Currently, I offer literary translation and editing services for publishers, and technical editing solutions for knitting pattern designers
Hi, I’m Ádám Sárpátki,
a literary translator and editor, mainly working in the fantasy and science fiction genres, but I have experience with YA fiction, non-fiction and popular science books as well.
As of 2024, I added technical editing for knitting patterns to my services.
My Services
Literary translation & editing
Since 2012, I’ve worked on over 60 novels and short stories as a literary translator, and edited more than 20 novels. I’ve also written numerous articles on various topics. I have extensive experience working with different genres and collaborating with translators and editors from diverse backgrounds.
Even though my calendar for any given year is usually filled with projects from my current clients, I would be happy to talk shop, and maybe make space for new projects. 😎
Important to note: currently I only translate from English to Hungarian, and I only edit texts written in Hungarian.
Technical editing
In 2024, I completed the technical editing course offered by The Tech Editor Hub. Joeli is a wonderful teacher who has taught me a great deal about the mechanics of tech editing for knitting patterns and the philosophy of working with pattern designers. 😊
I currently offer tech editing for accessories, mainly for socks, mittens, hats, shawls, scarfs and other small items.
My services include checking your pattern for inconsistencies and errors both in the math and in the style. I’ll also flag any grammatical errors or typos.
How I Work
What sets me apart and how my mindset will contribute to our successful collaboration
With heart and soul
I love my job, which is a privileged position to be in. This means that I treat every project with equal importance, and ensure they are delivered at the highest standard. I continuously improve my skills and strive to be flexible.
Professional collaboration
I firmly believe that every successful project is a collaboration, especially in publishing, with authors, editors, translators, and many others working together on each publication. I do my job with precision and care, but I always make an effort to be open to the suggestions of others, to give constructive feedback when needed, or to brainstorm solutions.
Thoroughness and versatility
When I work on a project, I always document my work to make my colleagues’ jobs easier. In this sense, I remain a librarian—I enjoy looking things up, and I find that my most memorable works are the ones that required extensive research, for example, about Chinese history, the Hundred Years’ War, or the Cosmere.
I started freelancing in 2013 and became a full-time freelancer in 2018. Throughout these years I’ve demonstrated to my colleagues and clients that I am able to deliver quality work even on complex projects, meet deadlines, and be a dependable team member.
What Others Say About Me
Testimonials from clients and colleagues
Yarnbound Tales newsletter
Once a month I send out a short but sweet newsletter that includes my current available tech editing spots, as well as some stuff I found useful or interesting in the previous month—whether it’s a video, a podcast episode, an article or a conversation.
The topics include knitting, cooking, books, video games, TTRPGs, or anything, really, that interests me at the time.
It’s free, there’s no catch, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Clicking the button below will take you to my Substack page.
The Flightless Manticore
As a kid, I always adored it when a book had a map in it. The first one I encountered was, of course, Tolkien’s map in The Lord of the Rings — the first Hungarian edition has a beautiful version of it, and that definitely kickstarted my fascination with the topic. Then, when my interest in D&D was sparked in 2017, I started a few other related hobbies as well, like painting miniatures, or drawing maps.
I wanted to take mapmaking more seriously for a while now, and in 2023 I’ve finally taken the first steps to do just that.
The Flightless Manticore blog is one of those first steps.
Yarnbound Tales
Subscribe to my monthly newsletter to get updates on my availability, articles about knitting, books, cooking, video games, TTRPGs and other topics.