Contact Me

Get in touch through any of the channels below. I can't wait to hear from you!

For publishers and designers: Depending on whether you’re interested in working with me on a translation/editing project, or a knitting pattern, you have different options of contacting me. You can email me at [email protected], use the “Email me” buttons below, or even book a chat with me. I will have different timeslots available for each category, so please choose the one that best describes you.

If you just want to chat, please use my social media channels linked in the footer. 😊

Before you contact me, make sure you familiarise yourself with my Privacy Policy .

For publishers

Even though my calendar for any given year is usually filled with projects from my current clients, I would be happy to talk shop, and maybe make space for new projects.

Feel free to contact me via e-mail, or book a spot on my calendar so we can have a chat.

Important to note: currently I only translate from English to Hungarian, and I only edit texts written in Hungarian.

For pattern designers

For now, I have limited availability for tech editing projects. I can usually guarantee one or two slots per week.

I like planning ahead, so please contact me in time about your project. The earlier you contact me, the more likely I will be able to fit your design into my schedule. 😊

Before contacting me, please read about my Tech Editing services, if you haven’t done so already.

If this would be our first contact, please don’t book a slot, but instead e-mail me so we can hash out the details.

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Yarnbound Tales newsletter

Once a month I send out a short but sweet newsletter that includes my current available tech editing spots, as well as some stuff I found useful or interesting in the previous month—whether it’s a video, a podcast episode, an article or a conversation.

The topics include knitting, cooking, books, video games, TTRPGs, or anything, really, that interests me at the time.

It’s free, there’s no catch, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Clicking the button below will take you to my Substack page.